This page contains a compilation of your most likely asked questions. If you have any question (s) that is not listed on this page here, please feel free to email your question (s) and they will be answered  as soon as we can. The questions must be based on our site or any part of it and should not be on anything random.

1.How do I contact you?
You can contact by email. The email address, as mentioned before, is [email protected]

2. What is required to submit a contest entry?

First, you will need a valid email address. This is how you will be able to send in your entries and also how you will receive your reward of  a free site.

3.When does the contests officially begin?

The contests are divided into different categories such as: The Jokes Contest, The Stories Contest, The Poem Contests, etc.
They will officially begin soon( you will be notified when exactly) but individually. They will not all begin at the same time but right after each other, as one ends another starts. Each will last for a specific time (days or weeks).

4.Where can I find out if there's anything new or updated on the site?
If there's anything new or updated you will know by visiting the News/Updates page or check the Live Notifications.

5. I have a question regarding the site or a part of the site but I can't find the answer on this page. How do I get an answer to this question another way?
Send your question (s) to the site email address (if you prefer,use the contact form on the Contact page)

6.Where can I find all the F-U-N?

All the fun can be found on the Fun/Educational Stuff page (a.k.a F/E Stuff). There is also educational stuff  but mostly fun stuff :D

7.Is this site completely free?
Yes it is! Everything offered is free, nothing to pay. You don't even have to register for anything at all.

Remember: if you have a question and you cannot find the answer to your question here, send an email with your question included.Your question will be answered as soon as possible.