This page lists the current offers available on the site...
                                            LIST OF OFFERS

1. Game (Tic-Tac-Toe)
Instructions are given on the F/E Stuff page. Follow these simple instructions and enjoy the game. This game is only available for a short period of time. If you notice that it has disappeared, it's because a new game has been put there to replace it....

2. Chat
There is one chat room for visitors.Rules apply to it. The rules, plus other details, are given on the F/E Stuff page.Follow the rules and enjoy.

3. Toolbar (Fun4KidzWorld Toolbar)
This includes: a search engine, Google Translate, Youtube Video Gallery,Photo Gallery, Live Chat, Live Notifications,Facebook Like button, World Radio,etc.The toolbar is located at the bottom of every page on this site.If you hover over the buttons, a brief description is shown. If you want to hide the tools of the toolbar, (the toolbar itself cannot be hidden) click the down arrow on the right of the toolbar and the same to show it again.Other details for the toolbar can be found on the Home page.
4.Fun4KidzWorld Pet (You will automatically be redirected to another site if you click anywhere in the pet area)
 You can feed him puppy treats and play with him.You can feed him by clicking on the bag of treats then click somewhere above the puppy to feed him the bone shaped treat that appears. To play with him, click More and click on the blue ball.Throw it up in the air and he will try to catch it.

5.HeyZap Games Player
my pet!